Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalit 2012

Helsingin 27. sarjakuvafestivaalit

As previously announced, I will be selling Goldenbirds (there’s a new, colourful edition of chapter 3-4 out!) and Swedish Comic Sin vol. 2 & 3 at the comics festival in central Helsinki this weekend. You will find me sharing a table with my sister Tinet Elmgren, hopefully in the neighborhood of the talented and funny Kaarina Uimonen, in the Pienlehtitaivas tent (“Small Press Heaven”) on Lasipalatsi square. If you like fantasy with more than a touch of political consciousness (social/magical realism?), you should take a look at Tinet’s work. Also, if you like piggies.

Do not miss the amazing Elmgren sisters’ show, exclusively and for the first time in Finland, on Sunday 14:00 (2 PM) 9.9.2012! Location: the Pienlehtimanala stage (“Small Press Hell”), Pienlentitaivas tent, Lasipalatsi square.

Puhumme myös suomea – vi talar också svenska!